Friday, July 31, 2015

Palmito Hill brief history

Memorial plaque at Palmito  Hill battle site.  This was the last battle of the Civil War in 1865.  The Union suffered a loss. 

A map depicting the geographical significance of the battle site.

A brief summary on the events of the battle. 

Rio Grande Mouth, Palmito Hill, South Jetties, and South Bay Exploring the Rio Grande Delta

Link to my blog

Sabal Palm exploring the Rio Grande Delta

Sabal Palm Sanctuary google earth image.  To the south is the city of Matamoros, Mexico.  

3.3 miles of trails to view the habitat.

Centipedes found beneath a felled sabal palm

In the center is a sabal palm sapling.  There is no spines on the fronds on all Texas sabal palms.

Spanish Moss hanging from a tree, Spanish moss is a type of epiphyte that grows on trees, the tree is not harmed nor benefited, thus making a commensalistic relationship.  

Leaves on an Anaqua tree.  

Anaqua tree local folklore.

A view of the Rio Grande from the river outlook on the sanctuary.  

A google earth image showing the visitor center and the river overlook.  

Sabal Palm History

Rabb plantation house built in 1891.  

All of the farmland has been cleared for establishing native palm forest Sabal texana.
Sabal Palms are easily identified through their spineless fronds compared to the introduced Washingtonian Robusta which have spines on their fronds (palm leaves).

Brief History of South Bay

South Bay was historically part of the Laguna Madre.  Due to dredging of the Brownsville Ship Channel in the early 20th century, the lower part of the Laguna Madre was separated.  As a result the spoil from the dredging was placed along the  banks of the ship channel.  Eolian deposition of the spoil filled what is now South Bay creating low water level.  Notice the orthographic image above and below the separation of South Bay.  

Image of shallow waters of South Bay, visible are sea-grass beds.  The sea-grasses grow best in shallow water; this is one benefit of the separation of the southernmost part of Laguna Madre. 

Close up picture of sea-grass.  Shoal grass is one of the major sea-grass present that provide habitat and nutrients for marine ichthyofauna (fish).  

Exploring the Rio Grande Delta on South Bay